Location: California State, Nevada State, and province of British Columbia.
There are days that you just want to disappear and be in some place where you don't think of anything but living life. But sometimes in order for you to experience that, you need to work your ass off 10 hours a day before paradise.
Having days off from work felt great! i don't have to think of who's covering sick calls, ordering, daily sales, crazy customers, and waking up earlier just to avoid dealing with the subway delays.
First quarter of 2018, I asked myself if what I want for my birthday. I was feeling home sick and I want to be somewhere out of the country. Out of the blue I saw an ad about a local airline having a seat sale. I consider it as a sign, I immediately messaged one of the closest friends of mine in California if I can go visit her. She was happy about it. I bought my self a roundtrip to LAX around 3 am local Toronto time that day. Crazy right? I’m a night owl.
Fast forward to the day I landed in LAX, a soon-to-be doctor friend of mine for almost 10 years and counting, Joeliah, picked me up at the airport.Its been almost 5 years since we last saw each other. Here’s a funny story; we headed to where she parked her car, but… the thing was she forgot where the hell she left her car. HAHA. We went searching for her car around the parking lot for almost an hour… searching… walking around, trying to figure out where the hell she left it. I ended up asking her, “are you sure we are on the right floor where you left it?” LMAO. The car was actually parked in the second floor but we’ve been searching it in the wrong floor. Haha. Well, Welcome to LA. Let’s go eat!
When in Los Angeles, in’n’out burger is the first thing on your list! That cheap but heavenly burger! Wether you want a lettuce instead of your typical bun or go traditional! Did I mention they have better Korean food there too and that sea urchin dish!! One thing to go see is the Packing House in Orange County and the restaurants in Laguna Beach. Besides that they have dollar sushi and taco Tuesdays. I'm definitely coming back.
The next post will be about places to check out when in SoCal. stay tuned…